





Screen Time
Cray Patrick 5 All files finished. Need to improve maps, animations skinning.

Mr Ashley 
4 Animation and shader setup 2
Witch Rick 4 Animation and story scripting 2
Blacksmith John 0- Missing 
Potion Maker Richard 5 All files finished. 
Carpenter   0- Missing 
Fisherman   0- Missing 
Woodcutter Patrick  4- Files finished. Need to improve maps, skinning, animation, story scripting, audio
Scorned woman Patrick 4- Files finished. Need to improve maps, skinning, animation, story scripting, audio
Cletus Patrick 4- Files finished. Need to improve maps, skinning, animation, story scripting, audio
preacher Patrick 4- Files finished. Need to improve maps, skinning, animation, story scripting, audio 
Weapon Trader 0 0- Missing 
Moxie Nat 3- Model almost finished 
Farmer 0- Missing 
Fish Monger Patrick  4- Files finished. Need to improve maps, skinning, animation, story scripting, audio 
Guard Robert 4- Model, maps finished. Need to skin, animate, integrate into AI and story scripting